Sunday 29 December 2013

A Banner for Carmendy

We been doing lots of crafts this past month.

I actually crafted more this year for Christmas than baked....which is a little odd.

I've seen these banner things all over Pinterest and I thought they were so cute.

I figured that I should try and make one.

I have a niece who is also my goddaughter and her name is Carmendy.

She just recently had her room painted purple and I wanted to make her a banner for her room as part of her Christmas gift.

I got out my handy dandy scrap booking paper....

....that I don't scrap book with.....

and picked out a few sheets that I thought would match her room.

And then I made triangles.

LOTS of triangles.

I decided to make 3 triangles for each letter.....and layer them.

Her name has 8 I had to make 24 beautiful triangles.

I made a tracer for the 3 different size for each layer.

My triangles were all 70 degrees + 70 degrees + 40 degrees.

Triangles angles always add up to 180 degrees.

I used a protractor to make it all accurate.

Each triangle had the same angles but was a half an inch larger.

Then I glued all the triangles together.

I printed out the letters and then cut them out.  I can't remember which font I finally decided on....that was a hard decision.

And then I glued them onto the triangles.

But then I realized that it just wasn't stiff enough.

It needed to be stronger.

I spotted the box from the ivomec and I knew that that was just what I needed.

I cut out more triangles and glued them onto the back.

That made it all more hardy.

Wall ready.

I just needed to link it all together.

Ribbon and a hot glue gun.

Then I put some homemade wire hooks on the back....on 4 different letters.



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