Wednesday 7 February 2018

Speeches and Poopy Receipts.

It's speech time.  Both Sophie and Lydia wrote about 4-H this year because I couldn't think of a better topic....or even two different topics!  They both wrote their own speeches and it was all going well until Lydia decided that she wants to say her speech in the gym and try to go to the competition at the Legion.

Seriously?  Really?  that's a whole lot of extra stress.

So I had a look at her speech and every paragraph ended with 'and lots more things'...or 'and more!'

I told her that she actually had to tell us what the more things were....and she wasn't interested in that.

She told me that she wanted to type it and she could do it herself.

So the next thing I knew she was talking to the laptop.  She had turned on the microphone feature on google and was getting the computer to type it for her.  Only it was bad.  There were sentences that said "Her name is Ricky." and "Cloverbuns are for ages 628."

It was a mess.

I gave in and told her that I would type it.  And then we ended up sitting together and adding a bunch of stuff and explaining all the 'and mores'.

She told me that she knew why I was such a good was because I played the piano.  I told her that actually was because I took two typing classes in high school and it has nothing to do with playing the piano.

And her speech is now over 5 minutes long.  It's too long.

She said it would all be fine...she'd just read it really fast.

Whatever.  I gave up.

It was late and time for bed.  She said lets just go now and pray that I don't get in trouble tomorrow at school because we weren't suppose to let anyone help us write our speeches.

I should have never changed any of it.

It's snowing pretty good here today.

I'm still working on the farmbooks.  Some receipts are poopy than others.

Poop.  It's the story of my life.  It's everywhere.

And Terry is wearing his favourite long johns with a hint of diesel fuel.

That's all.



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